L to R: Charis Gullickson, curator at Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø, Nancy M MIthlo, presenter, Jérémie Michael McGowan, Director of Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum. "In{DI}genuity: Curating Materiality," Seminar in Tromsø, March 2019, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum.
In{DI}genuity: Curating Materiality is a seminar that bring together four contributors to discuss curating indigenous and/or material-based exhibitions. A long line of artists with indigenous backgrounds are followers of an “artist first” or post-indigenous ideology. The phrase implies a rejection of false and biased categorization and draws attention to the fact that the artist’s indigeneity is not necessarily validated through their art. This then results in two scenarios: one of a post-identity artist that minimizes her or his indigenous identity versus a sovereign directive promoting a uniquely indigenous aesthetic.